Upcoming Events

Title: MBLC Board Meeting (November)
Date: Thursday, November 7, 2024
Time: 10:00am - 12:30pm
Location: Greenfield Public Library
Categories: MBLC Board Meeting

The regular monthly business meeting of the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners is scheduled for 10:00 A.M. on Thursday, November 7, 2024, at the Greenfield Public Library, 402 Main Street, Greenfield, MA. It will be a hybrid meeting.

Representatives of MBLC-affiliated organizations and members of the public are welcome to either continue attending remotely or to attend in person. For the safety of everyone we encourage all participants attending in person to take a COVID test before the meeting. 

Materials on Google Drive are all PDF:

  • Combined Board Materials- November 7, 2024 Meeting (Includes all files)
  • Public Notice- November 7, 2024
  • FY2025 November 7 - Board Agenda
  • Agenda 2- Minutes from October 5, 2024 meeting (ACTION)
  • Agenda 7- Consideration of approval of municipalities meeting the requirements for the FY2025 State Aid to Public Libraries based on eligibility established in FY2025 for the Municipal Appropriation Requirement and in FY2024 for the minimum standards (ACTION)
  • Agenda 8- Consideration of approval of the FY2026 Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) Direct Grant Round Program & Budget (ACTION)
  • Agenda 9- Consideration of appointments to the State Advisory Council on Libraries (SACL) (ACTION)
  • Agenda 10- Updated totals for Small Libraries in Networks Grants and Resource Sharing Grants

Copies of materials will be available at the library.



Zoom Information

Topic: MBLC Monthly Board Meeting

Date/Time: Thursday, November 7, 2024, 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Zoom Meeting Information



Dial in number: (646) 558-8656/ Meeting ID: 837 3612 6133

One tap mobile

+16469313860,,83736126133# US


Title: Preservation Office Hours
Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Time: 9:00am - 10:30am
Categories: Preservation
Title: Library Advisory Office Hours
Date: Monday, November 18, 2024
Time: 9:00am - 9:45am
Categories: Resource Sharing, Trustees & Friends

Library Advisory Office Hours are open to all Directors, Trustees, Library Friends, and Foundation Members. They are designed to be an open-ended, safe space to ask Al Hayden, Library Advisory Specialist, questions and offer opportunities for interaction among participants. As consistently as possible office hours will be held on the 2nd Monday of each month @ 9AM and the 4th Monday of the month @ 2PM.

(When office hours fall on Monday holidays, during conferences, etc. I will do my best to reschedule with as much notice as possible.)

Sessions will NOT be recorded and chats will NOT be saved. I may use the topics and questions that come up to inform future training and resources so your Library Advisory resources are as relevant to your needs as possible, but nothing will be associated with any individual(s) or institution.

Title: Library Advisory Office Hours
Date: Monday, November 25, 2024
Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Categories: Resource Sharing, Trustees & Friends

Library Advisory Office Hours are open to all Directors, Trustees, Library Friends, and Foundation Members. They are designed to be an open-ended, safe space to ask Al Hayden, Library Advisory Specialist, questions and offer opportunities for interaction among participants. As consistently as possible office hours will be held on the 2nd Monday of each month @ 9AM and the 4th Monday of the month @ 2PM.

(When office hours fall on Monday holidays, during conferences, etc. I will do my best to reschedule with as much notice as possible.)

Sessions will NOT be recorded and chats will NOT be saved. I may use the topics and questions that come up to inform future training and resources so your Library Advisory resources are as relevant to your needs as possible, but nothing will be associated with any individual(s) or institution.

Title: Preservation Office Hours
Date: Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Time: 9:00am - 10:30am
Categories: Preservation