Title: | HYBRID Presidents Book Group |
Date: | Monday, September 23, 2024 |
Time: | 6:30pm - 7:45pm |
Location: | Coolidge Museum |
Categories: | Adult Events, Book Discussions, Coolidge, Recurring Events, Virtual |
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The Presidential Book Group is reading biographies of every American President in chronological order from Washington to Trump. This month we are discussing Martin Van Buren and you may choose from the following books: Martin Van Buren by Ted Widmer This book has chapters on several obscure presidents, with one on Van Buren In this group you will deepen your understanding of the American presidency as we trace the history of the presidency, beginning with George Washington, and watching how American democracy evolved in ways the Founders never anticipated. We'll follow how presidents, both celebrated and forgotten, grappled with slavery, economics, executive power and America's role in the world. In doing so, we'll broaden our knowledge of Coolidge and where his presidency fits in the American story. The group meets on the 4th Monday of the month at 6:30 PM EST, which you can attend in person in the Coolidge Museum or on Zoom. Discussions will be facilitated by Bill Scher, vice president of the museum’s Standing Committee. Email Coolidge@forbeslibrary.org to join the email list or for more information. |
Title: | HYBRID Coolidge Standing Committee meeting |
Date: | Monday, October 7, 2024 |
Time: | 4:00pm - 5:30pm |
Location: | Coolidge Museum |
Categories: | Coolidge, Trustees of Forbes Library |
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Meeting of the Coolidge Standing Committee of the Forbes Library Board of Trustees HYBRID with in person in the Coolidge Museum and remote via zoom. Public welcome to observe and there is a public comment period at the beginning of the meeting. The agendas are posted by Thursday before the Monday meeting. Please follow this link to access the Zoom teleconference: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87291549142?pwd=alpYNktKU0JicmtmUHFwLzBWSVZVdz09 Meeting ID: 872 9154 9142 Passcode: 139105
Title: | VIRTUAL Herstory Book Group: A Warrior of the People |
Date: | Wednesday, October 9, 2024 |
Time: | 7:00pm - 8:30pm |
Categories: | Book Discussions, Coolidge, Recurring Events |
Description: |
This month's discussion will cover A Warrior of the People: How Susan La Flesche Overcame Racial and Gender Inequality to Become America's First Indian Doctor by Joe Starita. The Coolidge Museum at Forbes Library is starting a new book group in 2024 to focus of reading women's history and social history. As her husband John met in Philadelphia to discuss forming a new nation, Abigail Adams wrote to implore him, 'I desire you would remember the ladies and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors.' Alas, it would be another 150 years before they even got the right to vote. But women were neither silent nor passive then or now.
To elevate the voices of women in American history, a new book club is being offered by the The Calvin Coolidge Presidential Library and Museum. The inspiration for the club, Herstory: Women in American History, came from some members of the museum's Presidential Book Club, who expressed a desire to read more about the context of historical figures, and to hear from and about the women involved in the building of our nation.
Selections in the book club will include biographies of women interspersed with texts on significant periods in American history. This way, book club members can place the women they read about in context and gain a fuller understanding of their challenges and achievements.
This group meets on Zoom on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7 PM. This group is moderated by Coolidge Museum Committee members Leslie Skantz-Hodgson (Smith Vocational School Librarian) and Rob Weir (retired professor of history). To join the email list or for more information, email Coolidge@forbeslibrary.org